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Writer's pictureMorgan Mueller

Straw Heart

Away in a manger

No crib for a bed

The little Lord Jesus

Has nothing to dread

His mama is Mary

Who loves Him so dear

When Mary is with you

What have you to fear?

"There's no room in the inn"

As they slam the door closed

Mary, Joseph are weary

And so far from home

The cattle are lowing

From a stable not far

It's brightly illumined

By a beautiful star

"A sign!" says Joseph

As he holds Mary tight

The smell is atrocious

But it's only one night

A few hours later

The baby is born

Who is King of Kings

And Lord of Lords

But where to lay Him?

How will He sleep?

Certainly not

With the cow and the sheep

Feeling unworthy

I offer my heart

Mary smiles

"What a beautiful start"

It isn't much

This I know

But Baby Jesus

Loves it so

Not mine to give

As it was made

By Our Father

Before all days

Mary prepares it

As if molding clay

Though it feels much more

Like bristled hay

Messy, broken

And often soiled

Is my straw heart

Already spoiled?

It was as if Mary

Could hear my thoughts

"Don't worry about loving Him

As you ought

"He already loves you

Just as you are

And if you give Him permission

He'll change your heart"

Mary, Cause of my Joy,

And Baby Jesus chose me

My heart now forever

A Nativity scene

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